Welcome to Keeple, the HRIS published by N2JSoft

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Keeple, the HRIS published by N2JSoft

N2Jsoft is a software publisher whose mission is to generate (big) time-savings for its customers. The digitalization of administrative and HR processes has very strong potential in this respect. 😊 N2Jsoft is a software publisher whose mission is to generate (big) time-savings for its customers. The digitalization of administrative and HR processes has very strong potential in this respect. 😊 So, in 2015, we designed our N2F software, which automates expense report management.
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Adopted by over
Recommendation rate
0 %
Present in
countries worldwide
Expenses processed per week
We designed Keeple to go even further in streamlining companies’ time-consuming processes:

The à la carte HRIS for SMEs

Keeple stands out from the HRIS crowd:
but not simplistic
but not complex
but not unattractive
Want to save time and improve your employees’ experience?

Leave and absences

The software that replaces all your Excel files

Expense reports

Truly paperless expense report software

Personnel files

Keep your employee files securely, in one place

Interviews and goals

Employee engagement made easy

N2JSoft's teams

N2JSoft, more than 60 employees, 83% growth in 2021, but above all
10,000 satisfied customers that we support on a daily basis.
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Beyond the numbers, we are a team of enthusiasts (and cheerful, into the bargain) who put people at the center of everything we do.
Retaining the feel of a start-up, we work together to achieve sustainable growth and share the common goal of becoming the European leader in the digitalization of HR and administrative processes.

La start-up N2JSoft est certifiée Qualiopi
pour ses actions de formation

La formation professionnelle est un axe important dans la manière d’accompagner nos clients vers leur transformation digitale et ainsi les aider à simplifier leurs processus administratifs et RH.

Nous avons choisi de nous certifier Qualiopi avec une seule idée en tête : évaluer nos processus de formation par rapport à un référentiel reconnu et certifiant.

C’est non seulement une belle occasion de nous questionner, de nous perfectionner et d’améliorer nos pratiques et c’est aussi une vraie reconnaissance et un gage de qualité de nos formations et de nos consultants.

C’est officiel : nous sommes certifiés Qualiopi depuis juillet 2022.
N2Jsoft est certifiée Qualiopi pour ses actions de formation
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Innovation is in our genes, creating simple and efficient solutions is our trademark, and our commitment is to place our customers and employees at the heart of our priorities. 
Nicolas Dubouloz
CEO of N2JSoft

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